Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Words I Love: Leonine

Everything about him was leonine. Even without his work boots on, he stood well over six feet tall and, as his age progressed, his lean body had given way to a hale and heartier stock. His inherited wide shoulders, having grown wider through a lifetime spent on sports, had always prevented lovers from wrapping their arms completely around him. Careless in his upkeep, his golden blond hair was allowed to grow long and danced irreverently in the wind; his facial hair, equally disheveled, was thick, coarse and enveloped the majority of his beautiful face – keenly camouflaging the predatory hazel eyes.

Main Entry: le·o·nine
Pronunciation: \ˈlē-ə-ˌnīn\
Function: adjective
: of, relating to, suggestive of, or resembling a lion

"leonine." Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary. 2008.
Merriam-Webster Online. 18 November 2008

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